Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 8: This is your brain on inspiration

I'm having lots of intense feelings, memories, and realizations today, and I am very grateful for all the messages I've put up around my apartment to remind me of what I know.  I feel like the guy in Memento who tattooed himself with everything he needed to remember. These signs are my visual triggers to remember the key tenants of my process: The Only Way Out is Through and Another World is Happening. While I do like ink, making these signs was a lot cheaper (and less painful) then getting them tattooed on me!

I have several other phrases up around  my apartment as well, right by bed and by where I sit at my kitchen table. All of these reminders are really helpful as I'm creating new neural pathways in my brain. Repetition is key to this process, both in writing the messages and in reading them on my walls multiple times each day.
"The Only Way Out is Through" is a phrase that seems to be popping up a lot right now. The synchronicity seems significant and intriguing to me. I guess at this point there's really no other choice; we're going "through" whether we want to or not.

"Another World is Happening" is a take-off on the World Social Forum motto, Another World is Possible. For me the concept another world is already happening, right now, is even more powerful, and feels true to me.

1 comment:

  1. Kalil /...10 years laterDecember 1, 2022 at 3:53 PM

    This is still a core strategy for me. The current signs up around my room: "What is 1 thing my nervous system needs right now?" and "Right pace as prayer" and "Trust the process". When I create mantras and put them around my space it allows for frequent visual reminders of what I am practicing. And, The Only Way Out Is Through, while no longer up in my space, is a core understanding that helps me navigate the hardest parts of my journey with more acceptance of What Is.
