Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 13: Change Makes the World Go Round

Our society is structured as if the component parts were machines, were robots rather than human beings and other living creatures. Theoretically this allows people to design "predictable" structures for society. However the only predictable constant in the known universe is change, transformation, dynamism. And yet as a species we maintain this delusion of a non-changing reality, believing in abstract concepts, static images, as the real thing. Why would we prefer a static universe to the endlessly fascinating transformational reality that we actually inhabit? Why does predictability feel safer than change? Why do we resist the uncertainty of reality by insisting that we are in control?

The idea that any human being could be "in control" of the universe takes a level of delusion that seems increasingly hard to maintain in the 21st Century. With all the advances we've made, and all the powers we've gained over our environment, we've simultaneously unleashed powers well beyond our control, such as superstorms and giant tsunamis. We are clearly co-creating reality with energies / powers / intelligences that are much larger than we may ever comprehend. Being co-creators of reality (along with everything else in existence) sounds pretty good to me! And yet, letting go of control is simultaneously liberating and terrifying, on the micro level of our own lives as well as on the macro level of humankind as a species. 

1 comment:

  1. Kalil /...10 years laterDecember 7, 2022 at 2:09 PM

    10 years later, and Control is definitely still a major issue for me: How do I feel safe without it? How can I be proactive in whatever actually is within my power while letting go of what is not? How do I discern healthy boundaries and assertive manifesting from toxic, rigid controlling behaviors? I feel that we as a species are more clear on our lack of control, with the pandemic and exponential climate chaos, but I also see that causing humans to cling even more to ideas of control through conspiracy theories and doubling down on domination. So, here we all are, in the huge messy experience of humaning...
