Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 62: Alchemy

Echelon Alchemist Circle by ~psykikraithe
Alchemy is the ability to transform energy from one form to another. Alchemy is using pain to fuel art, using anger to fuel activism, using limitations to fuel creativity, using frustration to fuel innovation. I am practicing alchemy with my brain rewiring project by turning my habitual negative thoughts into habitual positive thoughts. The practice of alchemy feels empowering, and the more I do it the more I believe in its possibilities. I may never live in a world where I am free from fear, pain, anger, and frustration. I can, however, live in a world where these energetic inputs are transformed rapidly and powerfully into art, activism, creativity, and innovation. I already do this sometimes, but the practice is to hone these skills, to develop more purposefully, more strategically, and more knowledgeably over time. Perhaps you engage in alchemy as well? Whatever you transform will also transform  you. I am working to transform negative energetic inputs into positive healing and loving energies, rather than creating any negative energies through alchemical transformation. In this way, the process itself is transformational and healing as well. I'd love to hear your stories about alchemy. Have you been able to transform certain difficult experiences or energies into fuel for something else? Do you believe it's possible? Or perhaps this is all too esoteric for you to even consider. Whatever your current beliefs, I encourage you to give alchemy a try if you haven't already. In my experience it can be quite powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Kalil /...10 years laterJanuary 28, 2023 at 8:40 AM

    Alchemy continues to be central among my magical and creative technologies. Recently I took the energy from a significant and scary accident that happened to my 3.5 year-old child and turned it into a graphic novel that we created together. Making that art together, and then re-reading the graphic novel many many times, together and with family and friends, helped us both process the experience and find closure and regain a sense of safety in a world that is so very unpredictable.

    This is the power of alchemy, and when I can harness that power it helps illuminate the path forward, the way to gather the gems at the bottom of the deep dark hole when I feel stuck and despondent. This is part of my offering in the world as an artist, as an activist, as a healer.
