Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 88: Communal Healing

One of the most significant and impactful pieces of the brain rewiring work I have been doing over the past 88 days has been the input, support, and guidance of people around me. Throughout this process I have been helped with advice, new perspectives, and leadership from many unexpected sources. Most of these have been people who are on similar journeys, or have been through similar experiences to the brain rewiring process in which I am currently engaged. Although this process is focused on rewiring my own brain, it is also a communal process, and one that I am very happy to be able to share with you, dear readers, as well as with others in my life, both online and in person. A major reason that this sharing has had such an impact is that our culture in general is sick, we as individuals are feeling the impact of this illness, but the disease with which we are infected is occurring at the level of our entire society.

Most people, including myself, were taught from a very young age to fit into this diseased system, to find our place within the ailing and infectious structure. This has led to much pain and dissatisfaction on the individual, as well as the communal, level. Tonight I had the pleasure of hosting a dinner party with friends who have all been through, and are currently engaged in, similar journeys of healing. This is a life-long process that will not be over in two days, when I will culminate this particular 90 days of brain rewiring. Although this concentrated effort has yielded considerable results in this short time, there is still much more work to be done on this front, for myself and for the society in which I live. It is only by connecting with others, by supporting each other, by engaging in group rituals of healing and rejuvenation, that I can maintain the energy needed to continue to rewire my brain as I move forward in my life. I feel extremely lucky to have a supportive, intelligent, and creative community with whom to travel this journey. I could not ever do it alone, so thank you for being a part of my process in whatever way you have been involved. I look forward to entering phase 2 of rewiring my brain with you by my side.

1 comment:

  1. Kalil /...10 years laterFebruary 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

    Today, 10 years later, I will echo this appreciation for how lucky I am to be growing and transforming, struggling and healing with people around me who are deeply engaged in their own spiritual processes. Having the reflection and support, commiseration and laughs over this past 10 years has created so much joy, and supported my stamina for this never-ending process of getting free in a caged world.

    There are many days when I struggle with how little community there is left in our world, and I feel the deep pain of yearning for the type of connections our ancestors enjoyed - with other humans, with the Earth, and with so many other Beings. So, on this day, when I am brought back to see things from this angle - the abundance of depthful, intimate connections with other seekers on their paths - I take a moment to pause in gratitude for all the community that is available to me. Thank you, dear reader, for being a part of that community!
