Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 1: Rewiring my Brain - The Overview

This is the first day of a 90 day project -- A project to reconnect my heart to my head and to rewire my neural pathways.  The more you think something, the more you strengthen the neural pathways of that thought - like creating a highway of thoughts - and I've got some "thought highways" I'd like to reroute!

So what the hell does that mean anyway?
Basically it means feeling my feelings and thinking my thoughts without resistance, without judgment, without needing to control or change them.  Also, by thinking new thoughts, I can build new roads, new highways to places I actually want my thinking to go.

Why 90 Days?
Using the research of neuro plasticity as a guide, as well as certain recovery programs and self-help courses, I have chosen 90 days as a time frame that will allow me to develop new habits and break old habits. Neuro plasticity refers to the amazing fact that we can actually grow new neurons and create new pathways in the brain, just by taking an action or repeating a thought over and over again. By concentrating on this project for 90 days, I hope to make a new habit out of feeling my feelings as I have them, and break certain negative thought patterns that I've had for many, many years.

Why should anyone care?
I believe that the techniques that I am going to be exploring, inventing, reinterpreting, and gathering from other sources may prove useful to others, which is why I've created this blog in the first place. I've also invited some friends to join me on this journey and record their experiences of transformation as guest bloggers as well.

What's the system?
For each of the next 90 days I will be spending some time each morning centering myself and setting my intentions for the day vis-a-vis acknowledging and feeling my emotions as they come up. I will also focus on affirmations related to the issues I am working to change in my thought patterns. In the afternoons I will spend some time reconnecting with my body, reconnecting the knowledge coming from my body with that from my head. In the evenings I will write and reflect on my past experiences and how they are affecting my current actions and decisions. This will probably keep shifting over the course of the 90 days, but that's the plan as of Day One.  If you have ideas that have worked for you, leave a comment for me and I'll try out your suggestions too!


  1. This is awesome! Good luck! I'll be reading! It also reminds me of one of my favorite blogs, Adrienne Marie Brown, who wrote about her sabbatical process focusing on healing in similar ways. Check it out!

    1. Thanks for sharing this blog with me, it's awesome!!

  2. Kalil / ...10 years laterNovember 25, 2022 at 9:44 PM

    10 years ago today, I started a 90-day project to reconnect my heart and mind. It was a series of small daily practices, and a daily blog post that I did, for the 90 days leading up to my 30th birthday. It was "a project to rewire my brain, connecting to my Heart and Soul."

    As I prepare to turn 40 in 90 days, I am struck by the profound shift that this HeART forBrains 90-day rewiring process offered me.
    And so, as I look toward my next decade, I will read the blog post for that day 10 years ago, and share a reflection on the journey from 10 years ago to now.

    In reading this first post from November 24, 2012, I was struck by how much more capacity I have to know my emotional state and be with that state in the moment. I am not perfect at this, nor will I ever be, but the change between 29-year-old Kalil and 39-year-old Kalil is profound. So in this moment, I celebrate that slow, erratic, messy and beautiful, "brutiful" growth of these 10 years.
