Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 4: What I learned in Kindergarten

Me & my buddy, Zero the Hero 11/27/12
I spent the day substitute teaching kindergarten, which is always an exhausting yet exhilarating experience. This drawing was my version of the assignment for one of the "stations" we had in kindergarten today, which was drawing ourselves with Zero the Hero. As you can clearly see from my drawing, he is my puppet friend. The kindergarteners and I learned many things today, including some painful lesson on conformity.

Working within the mainstream educational system, I often feel stifled and constrained. There is an expectation in the classroom of conformity; students are treated like robots in need of programming. There is a nearly dissociative denial of the present moment and of emotions in the classroom. Growing up I strongly identified with school, even though I felt strangled by the conformity it demanded of me. I am still brainwashed by early childhood conditioning to feel rewarded when I receive stickers.  So much so, that I actually give myself stickers for doing certain chores. It's ridiculous, but it works! Stickers and rewards, just like I learned in kindergarten.

1 comment:

  1. Kalil /...10 years laterNovember 27, 2022 at 9:44 PM

    One thing I'm reflecting on in reading this post I wrote 10 years ago is how much my drawing style has evolved. This past 6 months I have been focusing on learning to draw and it's cool to see my progress.

    Something I learned in school that has been hard to heal is that if I don't quickly and easily master something, then I'm not ever going to be good at it and I should give up. I know this was not meant to be one of the messages of schooling, but in my experience as a student in mainstream public education, it absolutely was!
